Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I don’t believe in life after death but some idiot I know does. Let’s call her Mary. I’m not against the belief itself but she convinces herself that she knows her and everybody’s past lives and has ‘flash-backs’. Like Mary says; ‘I remember this meat pie’ or ‘I remember being tied up in a prison cell’
I was nearly raped by this evil guy before I managed to luckily escape it was a couple years ago and I think Mary knew this. I remember the feeling of shame, terror and panic and although I was
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What separates a popular person from a non-popular person? Besides the fact they’re ‘cooler’…..can you actually think of anything. no? wanna know why? because there isnt a difference besides the fact that they think that they are better than you. that makes me so so so so mad. WE ARE ALL IN THE SAME SCHOOL WITH SOME OF THE SAME TEACHERS AND AROUND THE SAME AGE. you are not better than anyone anywhere. get over yourself. someone should not have to get permission to talk to you that is WRONG.
Dear old friend group,
Sarah- You are dramatic for no god-damn reason. It is annoying and immature. I wish you could find it in yourself to life without a boyfriend for more than a month.
Rachel- You wine about how others act, but you don’t say anything to their face. I wish you can learn how to voice your true feelings to a person’s face.
Taylor- Being a lesbian doesn’t make you cool.
Emily- You are a blonde bitch, with your head stuck so far up your ass that it is a scarf.
Kendra- I
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So! Well… Life, as the title says. Gah, what a despicable word… yet, wondrous one.
Life for me is, well, interesting. I suppose. Being in high school,(junior) life seems to be pretty nice! Talking with friends, laughing at perverted jokes, making some of my own, blending in with the jocks and nerds at the same time, its pretty nice! I’m fine with camouflaging myself- I myself don’t even know my true self, but I know that the friends I have aren’t the issue…
The thing is, there’s a deep,
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Pretty much all my friends are two faced bitches. I hate how I’ll complain about a person and they will agree but the next time they see them they be all nice and friendly to them. No one understands me, these people actually hurt my feelings and then my best friends hurt them even more but acting like it was nothing. I know that I should let these feelings go but I just can’t I try to forget about these things but I just keep remembering them. I can’t trust anyone. This one girl just pisses
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Okay so honestly I am done. I dated this guy, who has this brother and their brother ended up dating my best friend. I dumped my guy because he is an insensitive prick and because he threatened me. I was hanging out with my best friend who decides to ALWAYS bring her bf who always bring up my ex and he goes “lets just all be friends” and I am like no he threatened me. And then whenever I am with my friends everyone is dating so I am wheeling. I CAN NEVER BE ALONE WITH MY FRIENDS ANYMORE.
I know this is such a tiny minuscule problem compared to the rest of the world’s problems, but it’s just really pissing me off. I met this guy in September and ever since then, not a day has gone by that I haven’t thought of him. You think I’m exaggerating? I am not. Not a single day, and it’s annoying. So much thinking space in my head is occupied by thoughts of him. I just want to be free already. All I ever think about is how awkward I am around him or all the awkward things I’ve done around
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I have insecurities about my body just like everyone else. It started with people making comments, some were even my best ‘friends’. People don’t really say comment on this anymore, but it doesn’t mean my insecurities disappeared. Although I still think about it all the time, I thought I was getting over them. Then today this person I know said something in front of some other people I was sitting with and it was just so embarrassing. I blush really easily so I turned away pretending I wasn’t
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My friend is self harming like crazy. i have told teachers and her parents even know. i called her tonight to let her know how much i love her and how much i care for her and if anything ever happened i wouldnt know what to do. i started talking to her about it and she started arguing with me about how no one cares for her and she doesnt even care for herself. how can you not love about yourself? especially in her, she has so many good qualities and yet she still believes that nobody cares
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Are you fucking kidding me!? I just got done telling you that I’m going into the bedroom to do my homework and not 5 minutes into it you’re going to scream my name out from the comfort of the couch to tell me that the dog needs to go out? What the FUCK? I have 30 hours of work to do in 2 days and your ass is sitting on the couch watching a movie and you can ‘t be bothered to take your own dog out!? FUCK YOU!!
because he had sepsis and almost got gangrene on his infected dick and balls? that’s probably what he deserves for being a racist, dog-abusing asshole. I wonder…why would someone have a serious dick infection, and a dog at the house that runs in terror any time the guy who suddenly came up with the serious dick infection comes around? Things that make you go ‘hmm…’ You should have stayed home and taken care of your son instead. If you could afford to pay someone to go and take care of your son,
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I’m don’t with you. i never thought you would ever in your life do this. get the fuck away from me and don’t you dare ever come back .
It sucks having the same first name as one of the popular girls in school. People always say *name here*’s so pretty! I always hope they’re talking about me, but of course they’re talking about the girl who has the same name as me… this obviously brings my self esteem down.
Don’t ever talking to me again you fucking lying using PIECE OF SHIT. The next time you want to use someone to cheat on your girlfriend with or as a fuck buddy find some cheap prostitute, actually even a prostitute is too good for you. Go jack off in some a corner you lonely ass fuck. I hope you die alone you fake ass bitch
if i have a beautiful and awesome girlfriend, my life would be so complete.
i don’t think there’s someone more loser than me. i’ve been rejected 7 times in a row. why is it so difficult to get a girl? i am sad and lonely. i get so very jealous of guys with beautiful girls. i wish i can join the pickup artist community and learn their ways.
i don’t get it some girls did say i am good looking but when i approach them they go away. i hate life.
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