Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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WTF is wrong with you. Maybe you assume that just because you act that way around everyone else and they all accept you as joking (which you are because you’re close to them) means that you can be that way to me. BUT, I can tell that you’re just using that lousy shit piece of excuse to cover what you’re doing so that other people will be on your side and think that there’s nothing wrong. I know you’re aiming at me, you fuckin bitch. FUCK SOCIAL NETWORKING I’M SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO RANT ON THE
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FUCK YOU! why do you want to have an open relationship!?!? wtf is so bad about me huh???? you get soooo FUCKING pissed and me everyday when i do NOTHING WRONG!! you get so mad at me because maybe i got a lil crush on my friend Nick BIG FUCKING DEAL!! the whole first 8 months of our relationship all i heard about was “Darla this, Darla That I miss Darla!!” FUCK HER!! shes a stupid fucking fat cow and can go burn in hell for all i care!!! but now ohh wait.. maybe one day yeah i did fuck up a lil
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I’m tired of your whiney little problems. I am tired of you being gross and sharing way too much about your fucking incest fantasies. I think you all suck. You’re never happy and none of you actually have real fucking problems. I hate you a lot and i want to punch you. Shut up about your stupid little tiny shits and realize how good you have it. And for the love of all that is whatever… STOP SHOWING US YOUR DISGUSTING TITS.
I live here with my family with her family. I really hate arguments or any conversation with my moms husband. I wouldn’t be here if my mom didn’t need help to keep her home from foreclosure. My moms husband isn’t enough help since he spends more than he makes on their 5 year old spoiled brat of a daughter and my mother is a optimistic gambler. I on the other hand stay home to watch my two boys as my husband works everyday to pay rent and provide for us. The retarded daily of my mothers spends
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I’ve known him for eight months. We went on two dates in that time and have spent the rest of it in some on-again, off-again pseudo online relationship. When he’s not there, online, texting me, whatever, I feel like I can’t breathe.
It’s so stupidly cliche and I know I’m setting the feminist movement back a couple decades, but I need this man in my life. I know he’s it. He’s the one.
There’s a fine line between telling someone you’re head-over-heels, crazy about them and willing to do
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Over the past couple of months, I’ve felt my friends growing distant to me. However, today I discovered private messages from them all where they are bitching relentlessly about me, making fun of my family and deliberately excluding me from all birthdays, cinema trips and after school meet ups. What do I do? Do I confront them directly?
I don’t think I can ever be friends with them again - after all, nine people all ganging up on you with no reason seems unfair??? They don’t even say why they
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I’m SO MAD because part of the reason I broke up with my ex was because of him inviting his flirty coworker R to his birthday party and having no issue with her giving half the guys at the party a (clothed) lap dance with the awful friend she brought along. He particularly didn’t see why it was an issue for me that the two of him were giving HIM a combined lapdance in the living room where everyone could see.
Yeah, because that wouldn’t make me feel upset or embarrass me in front of ALL of our
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I asked you to do two things before your father and his cunt of a girlfriend come for their summer visit. To clean the porch so he can smoke outside, and to defrost the freezer. You not only did not do EITHER, but when I came out of the bedroom this morning you had messed up the kitchen, hallway and the spare room I spent hours organizing. So now I’m back tracking and doing the few things I asked you to do… last fucking week!!!!!
I don’t have time to do the things I needed to do already, they
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Another birthday comes and no one notices or cares. No cake, no presents, no nothing. I haven’t had a birthday party since I was 8. That was ten years ago. This year, I was second to an indoor grill that my mother “Just had to have.” This woman has a 400 dollar grill outdoors. I’m not asking for a huge freaking deal, just grab a tiny pre-made cake from walmart, I don’t even need candles! Is it too much to ask for? Am I wrong for wanting one of my parents to recognize my birthday? Am I being
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I have the curse of dumbass friends and a dumbass family. If I’ve got something wrong and want to talk it out you damn well better listen because I listen to your stupid made up shit (I listen to your shit everyday about how this random guy in Georgia or where the fuck ever likes you but has a girlfriend. Shut up, you don’t know him, you just found a picture of a cute boy and gave him a name), and if I say how I hate my mom on facebook, then get the fuck over it and don’t call everyone in the
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Tired of not fitting into their box. Never given a chance even though you worked for 30 years. Employers think just because someone has a degree, they are normal or don’t have personal problems, think again. I have seen it in my own children. Past employees with poor manners (a degree gives them a license to be an asshole and refuse to do any work they wish not too), play on the internet and cell phone while at work, be disrepectful, steals and destroys the employer’s personal property if they
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So i have totally have been into this one guy for the longest time & have slowly gotten closer to him. He recently started working with my cousin. Now he is trying to get her to go out with him and even though I still have some sort of “thing” for him, I am helping him figure out how to approach her. All the while it is killing me inside because I am exactly like her in soo many ways but he wont even consider me even though we know each other already. Honestly love makes the world a crazy
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I’m actually 30 but thankfully women still think I’m still 24. Which means I’ve been getting dirty with some really hot student types - especially ones with big boobies. I don’t wish to be forgiven. I just wish to whole-heartedly recommend it. I LUV it!!!!
I lie to people to make myself seem smarter or cooler than I actually am.
I’m so pathetic.
If you study fine, have an area to study as it’s not easy to drag these big books home when all you need to do is use them for 10 minutes to jot something down on.
But why do people go to the Library and read and then expect people to be quiet? No, go home and read!
You don’t need silence when making other consumer decisions do you?
Just because you get books in the library doesn’t mean you have to read them there. If you do decide to read them in a public place with members of the public -
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