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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Just Lonely 2128

I’m pretty lonely and I don’t really have anyone to talk to about my problems. I have two friends. One is a bit of a narcissist and ignores you unless she’s interested in the topic at hand. The other is glued to the hip with her boyfriend and I can never get her alone. No siblings. My dad is emotionally distant and my mom is so stressed and tired from work that I don’t want to bother her. Not close to extended family.

I’d like to have a boyfriend but that isn’t happening: baby face, gummy …view more

Sigh 2028

I have a crush on my friend’s boyfriend. I’ve had this crush for a while, way before they became a “couple”. Fucking annoys me how my friend gets everything their way in the world while I’m stuck with barely anything or nothing at all.

constantly keeping my mouth shut. 1728

Its seems like no matter what I do or how I do it I’m always being screamed or yelled at. Everything I do its a fucking problem. Everything I want to say is held back, but the moment I say something subtle IM THE FUCKING BAD GUY! I’m always being called names, some of them are so bad I just want to turn around slap them back up their mothers vagina and leave. Sorry I’m not the fucking best. Maybe you should have aborted the fucking mission! Your the fucking reason I have depression.

‘dads’ 2228

why do some ‘dads’ decide that they want to see there kids but refuse to pay for them, i mean what the hell!!! heres £5 a week what the F**k i starve so i can give my child what they need but does he help with day to day costs not a chance when you confront them with a bill for uniform they complain its too much and go behind your back cause they dont believe a word of what you say, then they have the audacity to call you a lier even though you were just proved correct, god he pissed me off …view more

Shaming 1928

Honestly, I might sound racist, homophobic or plain horrible saying this, but I’m not meaning to, I don’t have anything against black people, gay people or overweight people.

So, everyone is trying to stop fat shaming, gay shaming and black shaming. But sometimes people forget that overweight people can insult underweight people, gay people can insult straight people and black people can insult white people. It isn’t seen as much but it still happens. People don’t see that it is just as bad …view more

Ages suck. 1828

My heart has fallen for someone who is out of my league. This guy is 18 and I’m 14. Honestly He stole my heart and I love him. Sadly ITS ILLEGAL TO DATE HIM! Like this sucks way to much I spend every night crying because he’s such a gentleman and a sweetheart and the guy of my dreams and I can’t have him ;-; well bye now..

You’re Not a PUA, You’re a Moron 2428

The PUA sh-t is really f-cking annoying. Before I didn’t really give a sh-t. I just figured it was a bunch of clowns scamming losers with a book of pickup lines, but now it’s grown and become so creepy and demented. Now it’s “P-ssy Stalking 101.” I have nothing against people getting laid, but let’s be clear about all of this.

There is no such thing as a PUA.

There is no such thing as “game.” Getting an incredibly stupid chick with low self-esteem into bed isn’t impressive and requires no …view more

Okay gay community . . . 2328

I’m distancing myself — and I am bisexual — from you for now because of, in spite of your clamoring for more equality and rightfully so, you are becoming more and more judgemental towards those in the community. And then there is the ridiculous biphobia; you cry for equality while you bash bisexuals?

As well as you getting so easily offended; you aren’t helping the cause any, you’re setting the movement back by feeding the stereotype!

I am so fed up with the system! 2428

I wish the judge who gave me the no contact court order, which was based on lies from my ex and his family, i wish that monster of a judge, that hanging judge, would fucking drop dead soon and get replaced with a decent nonbiased judge! Who knows how many innocent people hes incriminated and how many disabled people hes had jailed! I hope the proscuter also goes to hell now! I wish God would punish these people!

I feel empty and sick all at once. 2528

I didn’t realize today was going to turn out like it has. I’m fbally in a good place with my life, working hard and getting things done. Sure, I don’t trust my brother, and I don’t want to be in the same room as him. I didn’t realize how angry with him I was until today. He used to tease me and yeah, sibling stuff, the eight months ago it got bad, I’ve been bruised, told that what I wanted to do with my life was useless, and now I’m scared of him. I’m angry that I’m scared of him. I’m taller, …view more

I’m a pathological liar, not by choice, but that’s how I was raised. 2528

This is fucking up my life so much and it’s all thanks to my “perfect” parents. I was raised in a household where lying was condemned so that I might have been different if my family dynamics were different. My mother was almost never around, due to her job, and my dad resented that and still does and he takes it out on my brother and I. If we did something wrong, we would be berated almost until we cried (this was when we were younger) so eventually if I started pointing the finger at …view more

my father 1628

I can’t believe I’ve spent 18 years of my life in the same house as my father.He is the most hypocritical,mean and always-angry person I have ever had the misfortune of knowing. He is verbally abusive-every day. And not only towards myself, but to my sisters and my mother,who is the sole money maker in our household as he is unemployed.I honestly cannot deal with him. Like, for example, on my 18th birthday he screamed at me and told me I was stupid, all because I did not clean properly. On my …view more

Wtf 2428

3 fucking rental houses in one day we are buring bridges faster then a fucking flamethrower, wtf being cheap is costing you more.

Client Hell 2228

I’m a BOFH. I was born with a keyboard in my hand and a wrenching urge to abuse end users with ID-10T issues. Like a lot of my kind, we pick up other oft-related skills to augment our incomes to better have the resources to torment our victi– err… where was I?

I currently do a lot of freelance work as a web developer and designer.

Nothing sends my BOFH-Attack meter of the charts more than a client that willingly makes piss-poor user interface decisions after they’ve been ‘educated’ as to why …view more

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