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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Most Condemned Posts

Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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It’s Complicated… 2628

You invited me to be a part of a group project. I accepted. Now, I participate, not because I have loads of free time – not even close – but because I was aware immediately that you were someone that I needed to be around. I wanted to get to know you. I did, and you totally shattered my expectations. You’re positive, smart, and beautiful, but most of all, you’re strange. You say things that make people feel uncomfortable. You say things that my dream woman says. You’re the first woman that’s …view more

Um Kill Myself? 2028

So yeah. I just gained more weight. 3 kg in 3 months. I’m 76kg. My life stinks. There is no easy method of suicide. Screw painless, that’s next to impossible. I need to die. Now. Fast. My school is starting. My mom is telling me to go excercise. I may seem like the laziest thing on earth. I am. I’m an idiot. I blame everyone else. I’m lazy. I’m also selfish. Which makes it easier to commit suicide. I’m a coward. Which makes it harder. But you know what? I think… Coward or not… It may not be too …view more

I hate Summer and I want to die 1628

It’s Fucking still Summer.

Halfway through March and still fucking sunlight.

I hate sunlight and I hate summer. I wish I could die now. I want Summer to never come again. The entire island is in Drought and fire risks are going through the roof.

Sometimes, maybe all the time, I wish I could go live alone in Svalbard.

I want …view more

Jackass father 2328

Where to start you bitch at me over my sister getting pregnant and not telling you till you hear she’s in labor. WTF AM I SUPPOSE TO DO ABOUT IT SHE DIDN’T WANT ME TO TELL YOU A GODDAMN THING THAT’S HER BUSINESS NOT MINE SO DON’T FUCKING BITCH AT ME CUZ UR DAUGHTER DOESN’T TELL YOU SHIT!!!! Further more dont tell me not to say something that I feel if I say ur not making fucking sense guess what it means cut the fucking shit and tell me what the fuck ur talking about! Who the hell are you to …view more

contibuting to the problem we face already… 1528

You buy your daughters (8 & 13) kate spade, dooney and burke, etc., everything with an “I” in front of it, both girls have walk in closets full of clothes and shoes, any animal they want, trips to the bahamas, spain, all over the states. They don’t have chores, do not give back to the community in any way and are snotty to other children that don’t cheer or dance and expect them to be fine upstanding citizens when they are adults. The kicker is: YOU HAVE A MASTERS DEGREE IN CHILDHOOD PSYCHOLOGY …view more

fakebook 3228

I don’t give a damn WHAT kind of sob story someone has behind all their showy, narcissistic, braggy, entirely exaggerated facebook bullshit. It makes me sick to see all this fake crap like “oh I traveled here, I’m writing a blog about it lol because no one has ever done that before” and “look how skinny/hot/funny/happy I am, I’m going to base my worth off of how many likes this receives.”

Words fail at expressing this shitstorm… 1928

It’s your friends that can disappoint you the most.

So I moved, and it’s been a few months. I came back to the area to visit family for a couple days via train, and knew that there were “friends” here that had said time and again how much they wanted to see me while I was here. Not a GOD DAMN THING has changed with my “friends” that I left here. You people make me want a complete reboot on life! That’s FUCKED UP!

When you people talk, you need some kind of translation device JUST SO the rest …view more


GOD you have no right to say that my brother and I bitch and moan because guess what dad?! you do it more than we do Hell I go out of my way NOT to, yeah I’m crying it’s because you scared the living shit out of me!!! and now you’re trying to show me what I look like when I’m doing it oh no DO NOT CALL ME A SIX YEAR OLD WHEN YOUR NO BETTER THAN A TWO YEAR OLD HAVING A F**KING TANTRUM!!!

Archelen, Seriously do you have ANY idea how selfish and bitchy it sounds when you freak out at him over a …view more

Grow Up Kiddo 2728

It felt real at the start,
What the fuck?!
Regarding matters of the heart,
you’re a real fucking cunt!
Wish we never even met,
is what I really fucking want
I hope karma fucks a bitch to be blunt with you,

What makes you think I’d trust you again? 2328

Seriously? Yes we dated. Yes, it failed miserably. Yes, I got prego. But God damn it you said you’d leave us alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m so fucking tired of waking up at 3am because you’ve sent me another fucking texting asking what the hell happened! I’m tired of logging online to see that you’ve borrowed a mutual friend’s account to message me. STOP IT!!!!!!!!! I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t want you in my child’s life. You said you’d stay out! You’ve scared me numerous times, either …view more

Dear World 1628

I haven’t spent long on this planet. The duration of my lifetime was neither in the worst or the best of scenarios or environments. It was that grey middle ground, that hideous unavoidable centre. The class of people that earns too much for any kind of benefit and too little to make anything of them in regards to finances. Though I felt so lucky this entire lifetime in comparison to what this world does to so many others. Knowing countless individuals die every single moment we live and breathe …view more

Oh Dear Lord 2328

I see you on the bus and we have a decent conversation. However, when we get off, you come over to my house and smoke in my backyard, smoke in he graveyard across the street, smoke in front of the church I live next to, bring me over to your house so you can smoke and drink there, offer me a cigarette and a beer and when I say no you say press on and tell me it wont kill me if I do it once. You even brought your boyfriend to your house while I was there and said that you twowere gonna have sex …view more

Where’s the Truth? 1828


I realize this is a tough month for you: one-year work anniversary (at a job that you love but which has long hours and below-minimum-wage pay) and the subsequent renegotiation of your contract, the impending divorce and your birthday. So I don’t really want to add to your drama. But why is it that I have to beg, plead, cajole and practically steal from you loving and caring remarks and gestures? How long does it take to say “I love you” or “I’m thinking of you” or “I miss you” in a …view more

feeling sorry for a sad troll… 1728

playing my best friend, using him for sex, hanging out with a shitload of guys, its a load of bullshit. she’s not only insane, shes not capable of NOT taking things the wrong way, plus she’s immature as hell. i’ll be glad when my friend un-whips his own ass out of this mess.

What should I do 2828

Okay… this all started a last month. My girlfriend broke up with me and didn’t even tell me or give me a reason why. I am so depressed, I don’t know what to do with myself. I miss her and I wish she would come back… but I don’t think she will. I think she went back to her ex, even after she told me she wouldn’t.. I blocked her out of my life so I could forget her, but it didn’t work. I only ended up hurting myself. I was talking with one of my exes and I started falling for her, but I decided …view more

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