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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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I hate my height honestly 2227

I’m a guy around 5′3 and I honestly hate being short. Being short is not bad, sure there can be awk pictures or just the thought of people always looking down on you, but that’s where your personality comes in. I was the class clown in almost every class :). People would like me just cuz of my easying going way and my sence of humor of course. As well, being funny made me more noticable in school, some teachers even had good fun relationships with me. I love myself, I love that I can make …view more

Backstabbing cunt wad bitch 1927

The person that I thought was my best friend told her boyfriend that, long story short, I was trying to flirt with her and get in her pants when I was doing the complete opposite. Then her boyfriend messages me on Facebook basically threatening my life. So I message my supposed best friend on snap and right before we made up her boyfriend, who is 300 miles away, logs on to her snap , which is super unhealthy, amd threatens my life again. And this girl turned the people we were with against me …view more

Confused 2227

I have a friend that I really like, and for the longest time I kept it close to my chest as she’s straight… or was, or something, I’m not entirely sure what the fuck is going on. But a couple of months ago she was showing interest in me, flirting and such. I double checked with a few friends to make sure I wasn’t out of my mind, and then I asked her out and she said yes, but we only dated for a day. And I was good with that, honestly, but here recently she told me she’s not sure if it was the …view more

In love and it hurts 2027

Ok so, that’s my first time posting on a site like that and I don’t really know what to do. I just want to let go you know ?

I’m in love with a guy, but the thing is I’m a trans dude (meaning I was born female but I’m a guy on the inside) and dating when you’re trans an be… complicated.

We are close and talk for like 4 hours every night on Skype so, of course, we also talked about love.
I told him I knew no guy would love someone like me and he said that “yes, of course. If it’s a …view more

im a terrible person 1927

it’s annoying af but it could be my extremely competitive tendencies. when i mess up or can’t get better than another person, i internally dislike them. i wish i were more kind or accepting of my flaws. i love to be top of my class, and when i’m not, i hold a deep grudge. obviously not to the point of spreading rumors or other terrible things, but i think on the inside, i’m a bad person

Fat as fuckkkkkkkkkkkk 2127

I am so fed up with being told to lose weight. I understand that it is for my benefit; HOWEVER, considering that I used to be bulimic, I don’t see why there is a need for EVERYONE to point out that I am overweight and joke around about it. When I try to express that I don’t like how they make jabs at my weight I am told, “I have no right to be offended because it is my fault.” I FUCKING KNOW THAT YOU FUCKING ASSWIPES. I NEVER ASKED FOR YOUR OPINIONS ON MY WEIGHT SO DO NOT FUCKING GIVE IT TO ME. …view more



I am filled with so much fucking rage right now and I am about five minutes away from killing myself to relieve this pain. FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU. AND FUCK YOU. You faggots arent friends. You …view more

Fuck love I hate myself 2227

for some reason i fall in love with her in my first sight. She is just a random girl I saw in a coffee shop. I got her LINE ID, I thought she was giving a sign for us to be able to keep in touch because she did not just go quickly after talking with her client. I who close my heart tightly, blown away by the smile and the beauty of her. how many monsths since i felt like this? long time ago, but this is greater. i feel not want to lose her. i love her, but do I love her?. my logic is being …view more

I don’t know if it’s a big deal 2927

I feel mad, my heart beats really fast just because i am mad, but i need to be calm. My boyfriend did not even say to me that he is going to someones birthday party. I don’t even know why! Is he being secretive or what? Why does he doesn’t even want me to know where is he going?! And one thing, is drinking a really big deal to relationships?

Her 2327

I really freaking like her and k know it won’t go anywhere because of her parents but I wish it could because I really want to be able to hug her and hold her hand and call her mine and I’m actually really sad I can’t do that and I might tell her it’s ok but inside I’m dying

Introvert in a New School with Stupid People 2227

Today was my first day of school, and its a private school. This is my 4th new school in 3 years. My grade only has 19 people in it, so having a new kid is a rarity. I was like a shiny new toy or something. The thing is though, I hate socializing. I don’t like talking to people, so having all these people trying to talk to me made me feel very wrong, and I would try and hold small talk but I’m such an awkward person that they just looked at me weird when I inevitably said something stupid. I …view more

You’re a bitch 1727

CAN I UNFRIEND YOU ALREADY? Okay, what kind of friend are you? Friends do insult each other, but they don’t mean it all the time. Sure, I’m lazy, fat, and all the bad things in the world, but do you think you’re inspiring me? No bitch, you’re making me hating on you. Like wtf, just because I listen to the chefs at my workplace call me fat(and they saying it without meaning it), doesn’t mean I wish to hear MY FRIEND saying it every time she sees me. And don’t you ever compare me to that ‘OLD …view more

Losing my best friend? 2127

My best friend of five years has recently become kinda annoying. Often not many people like her because she’s ‘bitchy’ etc, but I’ve always thought that they just didn’t know the real her- but recently she’s just become so… irritating. Like it feels as though I can’t have my own opinions around her without being shouted down and she’s kinda controlling a lot of the time. I love her still, but I don’t know what to do? Am I just getting pissed off for no reason? Am I just imagining these things …view more

Everything is fucking stupid and empty 2527

I have a job, college to deal with and a hyper bratty nephew and niece. I have no time for the bullshit, but really what’s the point? Also I hate that I’m not seeing an alternative to spanking them to discipline them. I’ve tried everything else, and the fact only spanking works suggests that love and kindness are just bs that is beaten into us when we’re young. My parents did it to me, and all it did was screw me up and now I have no option but to do the same. I hate everything so I get wrapped …view more

I blv I’m cursed 2327

Age 30, brown S Asian male here. And yes, I blv I’m cursed.

Let’s start with symptoms. This only has to do with relationships. I get angry. Jealous. And suspicious. When I lose it I shout at people. And those that get hit hardest are those who’re closest to me. And it hurts.

I have some kind of attention surplus disorder. Let’s just say that I saw something out of ordinary from my spouse. I am bound to notice it. And I’m cursed with excessive attention. You can safely say I’m a human …view more

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