Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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He’s a childish, drunkard, low boy that has lost direction in his life. A total ass!
Everyone on the Internet is an asshole. Why don’t y’all just shut your cuntfaced prickholes MY PHONE IS SO FUCKING STUPID and go fuck each other’s disgusting worthless brains out since that’s all you want to do anyway. Thanks for reducing the human race to nothing but sex-crazed pigs, you pathetic lowlife sluts. I hate you.
I just..ugh :(, i live with the constant fear of gaining weight, and just hearing the topic of fat/weight, or anything of that matter. Like…I am so insecure about myself. I don’t eat more than 1800 calories a day and i just..i hate eating basically. Previously, like about 2 months ago, i would not eat. I didn’t eat, i would eat <500 calories a day and most of it was at school where i didnt want anyone to know i was starving myself. I also had weight loss pills that I took BEFORE and during the
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ex boyfriend and me just started talking again, still love him dearly, we both still have strong feelings for each other, but are hesitating to go back to a relationship as he is heading overseas for 1 and a half years, im studying at university. I love him and care or him dearly but I would be happy just staying friends because he really is an amazing guy. He’s stressed and flustered and very confused ( as am I) and im scared he will just cut off all contact with me whatsoever or just last
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I am sick of people stereotyping me as a dumb blonde and then being surprised when I punch them!
Just because I’m blonde, I’m not a bloody cheerleader! I’m on the rugby team for fucks sake!
I have a new housemate whose struggling with his Englilsh skills, and its driving me insane!! I feel bad cause you can tell he’s a very nice guy struggling to fit into a culture completely foreign to him (a Middle Easvern man in Australia), and he’s studying English. I live on a uni, & we’ve had many foreign students and English struggles. This ones completely different though, because this guy needs a translator for every third word (thank god for iPhones & Google), and every concept not only
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Im 15 years old and i am sick of seeing my country decline. the rich are pigs sitting in lavish houses and the government only do things suited for the higher class. david cameron is a vile human being and so are all the rest of parliament. conservatives will do nothing for this country, and even when there were protests against them it wasnt even shown on tv! THE LOWER CLASS PEOPLE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE UP THIS COUNTRY AND WE GET NOTHING IN RETURN. PEOPLE WORK TO BUILD UP THIS COUNTRY AND TO
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I bought a bag of tootsie roll pops and discovered something strange. Yellow and brown wrappers covering banana flavored pops! Really banana???? Gross! Those will end up in my junk drawer for all eternity along with those nasty ass chocolate pops. why not make a bag of just cherry and orange!
I generally like being in a union. Unions can be good things. But holy fuck, I’m really sick of dealing with some of my coworkers.
Most of them don’t give a shit anymore. They just want to stay doing exactly the same things for the rest of their lives. Good for them! But why, when an opportunity for growth and career development comes up, do they prevent other people from getting it? “A week of training,” they think. “Good, that means I can sit on my ass, fuck off, and do nothing!” But I
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The computer at my school reset everything so the volume reset. One time, I forgot to mute(and check) the volume and when I clicked a site, there was sound. I quickly mute it and one of my classmate told me to lower it in a really really rude way.
Next, he blast his sound. WTF. How come he has the right to tell me to lower it and he himself doesn’t do it.
Now he blast the sound the FULL MAX. Why does this bastard think he can do this.
I don’t care if you are watching movies or video. JUST
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A relative of mine is about to undergo another round of in vitro fertilization (after previously having two other children by it), and to be honest, I hope it doesn’t work… She and her husband already have four kids who don’t get enough individual attention in the first place. The dad is gone for weeks, sometimes months at a time due to work, and the mom seems to devote more of her attention to her hobbies than to her kids.
This especially seems to affect the youngest two boys (both under
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I’ve generally been “better” recently, with usual manifestations of despondency. You talk to me for a few days, then don’t for a week. You are the Joel to my Clementine, and I can’t help but to want to erase you from my memory as the story goes. I’ve tried to put you in a box along with my emotions but I keep reopening the box out of temptation for a reminder of what happiness once felt like. Day in and day out I see the same shit and the same people. I see the world glorified and plastered on
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Y’all need to stop this bullshit. We been best friends for more than 10 years and y’all wan let so man come between us like that? Jus cause y’all like him don’t mean he even gunna give y’all the time of day!
If y’all wanna fight why you dragging me into it, so in the end I can take all the blame right? So I gatta be the one apologizing like always even when I ain’t involved? All these years I listened to y’all, cried with y’all, bent over backwards for y’all pretty much been y’all bitch tryna
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I hate how people say to parents who have the audacity to complain a bit about the challenges of parenthood, “You signed up for this! No one FORCED you to become a parent!!!” and everyone agrees with them like the parent(s) have no right to complain or ask for a single iota of sympathy.
But the moment someone says to a soldier (or really, almost anyone in any other profession), “You signed up for this! No one FORCED you to join the military!” everyone jumps on them like they’re a terrible,
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Today was my friend’s birthday. He likes Pokemon, and one of his favorite Pokemon is Charizard. So, I bought him a Charizard EX box with some card packets and a giant foil Charizard EX card. I wrapped it up, and (since his favorite color combo is black and neon green) topped it off with a black and green duct tape bow. Since I sit with him everyday at lunch, I decided to give it to him then. He loved it, gave me huggles, then kept the bow (I kind of figured he would) and we went to lunch.
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