Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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you suck the life out of our city with your midnight shouting at the moon, your horribly untalented street performances, your incessant begging, and the way you take, take, take and still ask for more without thinking once about giving back. when i saw you back at the bus stop (your home?) yesterday, i was so disappointed. i had hoped you had been arrested for your stupid mistakes. or that you had left town for good this time, giving those of us who work and live around the mess that is
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I don’t get it. I must be an idiot or something because I can’t figure you out! You miss, you love me…you’ve even forgiven me… but you’re still leaving me?
I just don’t get it. I want to be with you, I love you. And you keep saying you miss me…so why? If you’re so lonely and you miss me and all, why aren’t we together?
You keep saying you’re messing things up, that it’s not my fault…but you won’t give me any explanation…no reason beyond it’s your fault.
Dammit man! Just ask me to come back
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I just wish you’d listen. I shouldnt have to ask for you to llisten when i talk. I’m not angry,just, i feel kind of defeated.You dont even hide your disinterest anymore, you even went as far to walk away as i was talking. Actually, it’s funny in a very shitty way.
I always bitch about you guys ignoring me, but i got to the point where i’ll just shut my mouth since i’m wasting my time and breath anyway.
Even if its just a casual conversation i’m trying to start, at least pretend to care.
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OMFG. I HATE MY LIFE. i have chem n precalc finals tomorrow, neither of which i am doing well in. if i dnt get an 80 in precalc im gonna get a C!! im really stressed and idk what im doing in either of those classes.
In May you asked me to come home. You said we’d be ok, that we’d work thru everything. That you could and had forgiven me for what I’d done…
The next 5 months were rough- lots of arguing, lots of being alone because you were working or out with friends- drinking, embarrassed of me- we didn’t even have our own place…we had one room, in your brother’s house, with your entire family. I still felt guilty for what I’d done.
5 months since you asked me to come home, 5 months since I figured out how
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I don’t usually post problems or even tell anyone about them but I feel like my head is going to explode.
I had to serve a year in prison for a marijuana charge when driving through a bible belt state. This is where it all really begins. FYI I have had jobs since I was 12 and have been a productive and upstanding citizen, have an associates and two bachelor degrees and am a homeowner and pull my weight in life working usually 50+ hours a week.
I became unemployed shortly before this happened
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I’m sorry that I make you feel like I discount your love for me. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and I will be eternally grateful for everything you have given, shared and experienced with me. I want you to know that I do not take you for granted, and I have the deepest, most sincere appreciation for our relationship and all the work you and I have put into it. We have something that some people never experience in their lifetime and I am so fortunate to have you. I
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I FOUND OUT MY PSYCHO OLDER SISTER IS MY HALF SISTER! wtf happened mother? mom said she was married after one month PRIOR TO meeting my bio dad. where she happened to be 2 months pregnant w/ my older sister. messed up shit is my mom LEFT my dad and found a NEW man while keeping CONTACT w/ my older sister’s bio father while raising us to believe my bio dad was the father to all of us. SO EXCUSE ME WHEN I SAY what the hell! she has to be trolling me real bad because MY OLDER SISTER GETS MONEY
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Now I know what it’s like to be totally in love with someone and not be able to do anything about it. He’s my best guy friend. He’s been dating another girl for practically the whole school year. I can’t help feeling slighted because I’ve known him longer and he STILL talks to me constantly, but he dates HER. Not fair! (Don’t comment on this with “Life isn’t fair” because I am well aware of just how unfair life can be.)
I just don’t know what to do anymore. Sometimes, I have dreams about him
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Last year I had a roommate who seriously HATED me. We got along okay when all of a sudden she started treating me horribly. It was because I took some food that I didn’t know was for her only (we agreed to share some food but turns out there was a dispute over that). She also accused me of interrupting her for everything (ok I admit I may have been quite annoying but I have Asperger’s and don’t socialize or pick up social cues very well…I merely wanted to be more outgoing because normally I am
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stop fucking trying to change me, i cant always try, and i cant always be perfect like you
youre not fucking helping at all
you dont even talk
you dont even seem to care
youre so strict about me yet i cant be strict about myself
how can you sit there and watch me put so much effort, time, money, and emotion into our relationship and give NOTHING back. I know you love me, or I wouldn’t stay, but that doesn’t make it ok for you to put absolutely zero effort into my/our happiness. Everyday I do everything I can just to make sure that you have a good day, and it’s all because I genuinely want you to have a good day. And everyday you watch me do everything for you and give nothing in return. Even a “thank you so much” once
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10 years, 10 freaking years I was in love with you and you never reciprocated. You always said “We’re really good as friends”. And yes we were, you were/are the very best friend I’ve ever had. You’ve seen me through the darkest most horrible times in my life and you let me help you through yours. But we were still only friends. At any point I would have dropped everything to be with you. But no.
Now finally, FINALLY, I have this amazing, gorgeous, intelligent, loving girlfriend. Someone I can
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I have been hanging out with a girl for the last year, I told her I liked her, with the plan of asking her out soon enough. We have been moving at a comfortable pace, both of us are shy. We have continued hanging out as normal.
2 of my “friends” who I have known for a much shorter length of time, have started to act uncharacteristically friendly towards me recently. They have started to hang around with us as well. These “friends” are significantly less shy, and care significantly little about
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Mens logic never works……. im skint = im going out 2 days on the trot to get shitfaced.
Im on my way = ive just popped into the pub and wont be home for at least 2 hrs…
Oh my back hurts = little woman go off and do chores whilst I sit on my arse playing xbox… arrrrgggghhhh Im supposed to live with you for the rest of my life?????
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