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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Small Penis 3426


Fuck this engagement 2326

Fucking done! Its only been a month since he asked and I can already see this idiot isn’t someone I should be with for the rest of my life. If it wasn’t for my fucked up credit keeping from a job. I would not be with you I’d be alone happy in my little apartment with my two boys and not give a shit what you or anyone says. You fucking stupid idiot can’t do the simplest things your carelessness about everyone around you shows how much you need to be alone. You do stupid shit to other people and …view more

Of course your butt doesn’t look big. 2826

Why do I lie?
Why can’t I call things as I see them?
Why do you ask my opinion if all you want is to hear lies?
If I ever dared to tell you a truth you didn’t like, somehow I would be the bad person. But I won’t do that, and you love it. It makes you feel good that I will lie to protect you every time, while bit by bit my self respect drains away. That’s the price of friendship with you.
It’s too high a price for any human relationship.
You’re fucking sick, and I’m just too damn weak.
I guess …view more

Hurt… Wtf 2126

You know when you go out of your way to help someone because they asked for your help but then when you help and do for them what they asked they act aloof or dont even acknowledge that you did what was asked of you. Its never followed with thanks ot gratitude…

Well thats what happened….

It happens a lot

And it hurts

Why does the whore get away with this 2126

I love how one of my whore of a niece can be freeloading my father-in-law’s car because she let her insurance lapse & can’t afford to renew it, however she CAN afford a mani-pedi. I guess it’s because she’s getting medicaid, welfare & free daycare for her kid, food stamps, WIC vouchers, AND unemployment. (All while working 40 hours & getting paid under the table, tax free.)

Grrrrrr…. I really hope karma is a bitch to her someday!

screwed big time 1526

$1200 in the hole trying to keep bills paid and food on the table. Working my ass off to bring in extra to no avail. Overdrafted big time. Paypal in negative. Can’t get a loan to straighten stuff out. I need people to buy my stuff!

I help and help people all the damn time. Why doesn’t anyone ever help me when I need it?

My year in suckage 2626

So starting at the very beginning of 2010, my year has gone from pretty good to the worst of my life.

In January: I come home from Christmas vacation, over which I found out that the pedophile who raped my little sister and molested me and my littlest sister for years somehow found us online. When I get home, my bf decides that it’s a good time to break up with me - while there’s still seven months to go on the lease that has us sharing an apartment with two other friends, and while we’re …view more

today sucks ass. 2026

Today sucks ass. I woke up as tired as I was when I went to bed. I lost a contact lens. Also, even though I realized before that I’m gaining some weight (work-related stress), this morning I was barely able to fit into my favorite pair of jeans anymore. Then, in the middle of trying to do my shitty job, my ex shows up at work. And on top of everything, I have to give a performance tonight, and I feel ugly. I’m not even sure that I want to do it anymore.

Way to be friends. 2726

Wow…just wow. So, the friend I haven’t seen in a year is coming over tomorrow and Saturday, and you have the gall to tell me that you two have those two days all planned out already and no where in there is there time for me to see her? Seriously? You see her far more often then I do, and yet here you are taking up the only time I’d get to see her? Wow. You are such a fucking bastard.

You say the only way I’d probably get to see her is if another friend of ours didn’t already have previous …view more

oops 2326

I photoshop my mates ex-gf’s head onto porn pics and have a wank

Manners, yeah I’ve got them, but do you? 2526

Right, so you think because you’re old and I’m young, I am obliged to give you respect? NO. That’s not how it works.
When a stranger stops in the middle of a narrow street two meters ahead of you and declares, “I’m not walking anymore.” Then I think it’s safe to say I will be surprised by and will struggle to get past her.
When I and a group of my friends try to get past said stranger, and she declares, “MANNERS”. This is meant to be some sort of moral lesson to us?
Well forgive me if I’m …view more

When people die, I secretly am relieved 2526

Whether it’s babies, children , old folks, whatever, I secretly am a bit relieved simply due to knowing how overpopulated this earth is. Part of me feels like congratulating their families on doing their part to reduce the population. I’m not heartless, by any means. I can empathyze with their loss but know a year down the line, they’ll be fine. And their dead loved one will be fine as well. I just that I know the practicalities of life on earth in 2010 and what we’ll have to face as survivors, …view more

Attention Whore 2626

Every time I see you, I want to smack you. Really hard.

You’re playing all sorts of dangerous games, you simpering idiot. And even though you like playing fire, you’re gonna get seriously burned. And I really hope I’m there to see it happen, so I can point and laugh and say, “I told you so.” And part of me REALLY hopes that you get burned bad. I want to see you curled up in bed, crying your eyes out, because YOU messed up.

It’s hard to want to be your friend - to put forth the effort to …view more

Older women, younger man. 2726

I had sex with a guy who is 25 years younger than me. It was amazing! I think all older women should seek out younger men, they are so eager :D

I think I’m ready to say….Good bye : ) 2226

I just found out the guy that I was in love with and dating for over four years and had plans on getting married to, asked the smut he cheated on me with to marry him, and they have only been dating for about a year. I didn’t really react to it @ all. I knew this day was going to come, I just didn’t think it would be this soon or to her. I thought I would brake down when i found out. Idk if I’m in shock or if I just don’t care. But I still have feelings for him, I think I always will cuz he was …view more

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