Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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You selfish bitch!
If people actually knew you, if tour students knew what you say about them or parents for that matter you would never teach again.
Just because you couldn’t corner us or make us do what you wanted you punished everyone around you.
Your a brat.
Your a 5 year old in a 34 old woman’s body.
To get even you actually de-friended my dog, my dead dog!
You emasculate your husband, treat others with
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I have no one
I want friends I want to cuddle and cry
Why nobody loves me I want someone to love me
I want someone to say “you are my person”
I wanna to talk please God
I dont talk because I have no one
Why Im alone why
I wanna die I dont care anymore
There is nothing wrong with but Im never good enough
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Not the fairy character from Disney channel. My neighbor’s cat. It’s mean, squinty, aggressive, violent, non-friendly, ugly… Doesn’t sound nice, does it? I want Tinkerbell to burn, fall off a cliff, die, drown, get poisoned, get shot, get strangled, suffocate, choke, die of hunger, any of these things. Just let that demonic cat DIE.
“I won’t leave you”. He said as he hung up the phone; she was sad so she’d called him two minutes ago. “I’ll never hurt you”. He said as his thoughtful reply to her short list of grievances, wondering why. “I’m always here for you”. He texted her, she was sad and needed to talk; he was busy relaxing so no time to call.
“What’s up? :)” she texted at seven oh eight.
“nothing”, his answer, ten minutes later.
Literally, I feel like everyone hates me. I’ve completely fucked up everything in my life, and I’ve pretty much ruined every good relationship I had. I’ve been depressed, honestly, since my freshman year of college. Every roommate I’ve ever had can’t stand me, and I even had to switch rooms in the middle of the year because things got so bad. I did join a fraternity (a co-ed one), which was pretty cool, and I even held an officer position this past year. Overall, things were pretty good. But
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She thinks it’s appropriate to walk around the apartment in her underwear like it’s no big deal. I am no prude, I just don’t like this girl having her ass hanging out around my boyfriend. Yes, I have low confidence. Yes, I view her as a threat. She’s the kind to sleep around, and I would not put it past her to chance her arm by going after my boyfriend.
He tells me he’s not a cheater, I believe him. It’s so hard not to think he wouldn’t at least think of getting with her, when she’s always
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todays society has officially worn me down at the age of 18. muslims killing people in the east because there religion says so (which it doesn’t, they’re just killing to gain power and wealth). government branding us like fucking cattle with social security numbers and such. and watching children grow up to become retards because of YOLO and SWAG … the fuq is this. music has went STRAIGHT down the shitter. nickki minaj anaconda getting positive reviews? FUCK THIS!, TV shows being the same
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Call me a cry baby, say i’m jealous. Whatever, i feel left out. You don’t even care about me at all. Never did. I was always the ‘backup’ friend. When you broke up with that bitch, you leaned to me till you found that queen and left me aside. And then you quit that stupid fucking group, and there i was waiting, the ‘backup’. Oh it’s now my turn for comforting. Because I don’t fucking exist unless you broke up with someone.And guess what now. Everyone else is ignoring me and think i’m boring.
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I never realized how lonely I was until I came to a play my friend was in, and then by intermission, I had no one to talk to. Sure I have friends but… Sure would be nice to have someone to talk to.
When I graduated highschool I had no idea how far or short I would come in life. I was a lazy, over weight, recluse, had low self esteem and I’m pretty sure I was and am suffering from some kind of depression. Well I lost a bunch of weight when I found some new friends who were a little more active and I lost a lot of weight and ended up getting the great idea of joining the army. So I did that made it 8 weeks 3 days and they sent me home for pt. I wasn’t over weight at that point just was
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so you ask me to merry me but dont trust me you take everyones words over mine least i didnt try to cheat with some bitch yea i sent nudes and flirted but so did you pisses me off i try to come and talk to you and your ass is asleep i had to write what i was gonna say out because im that type of person but whatever if you want me gone so be it cuz once im gone im never ever coming back i hope i find who did this shit so i can kill them fucking ass hole teenagers selfish ex girlfriend whores who
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My preteen daughter has bipolar disorder and has terrible rages that include shrieking, hitting and breaking things. My husband doesn’t want her to get help in a therapeutic boarding school because he doesn’t want to give up “control” (even though he can’t control her illness). We have been the victims of her crazy behavior for four years. Her younger brothers live with daily stress and misery. I get hit the most. She has broken a big screen TV and 5 computers. She does ok at school because she
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You’re a fucking piece of shit. I get home and the first thing I hear is my dad yelling because it took me too long to come home. He fucking hit me. So if you think your fucking time is more important than mine, your ass better think again. I’m tired of waiting for you every damn time I come over. Have a little fucking respect. You’re caught up doing your fucking hair when I’ve told you about 7 goddamn times I need to fucking go. LISTEN BITCH WHEN I TELL YOU SOMETHING. STOP BEING SO DAMN SELF
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Three years ago, when I was in the midst of a whirlwind of friends in my circle marrying off and planning the rest of their lives in coupledom, I would have been among those for whom the question ‘Would you like to have kids?’ would have been a no-brainer. Now, I’m not so sure. Since then, I’ve changed countries twice, FINALLY got a job that’s related to my degree (an apprenticeship that pays a stipend, but hey, we’re in a recession), broken up with the boyfriend of 7 years (it fizzled out;
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Fuck Sundays.
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