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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Most Condemned Posts

Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I decided to leave 2025

I decided to leave. I could not handle sharing. Why do I keep wanting to see his activity on the dating websites? It just makes me sad. Why do I want him to text me? It will only prolong my pain & attachment. I wish I could lay this down and walk away. I know it is the best decision for me.

He is not mine.
He never was mine.
He never will be mine.
He will never love me like I want to be loved.
He is sharply sarcastic.
He can be mean.
He can …view more

in love with my best friend 1425

what am i supposed to do when the one person i could ever see myself being with is completely out of reach? i’m in love with them and they’ll never know

School Stress 2325

I have a final, and it is a mock trial. Our teacher said that she would give us extra credit if we do extra roles, but one of my classmate said that she only gives extra credit to the main positions in the mock trial. I am scared that my grade will go down, and I will not be attending a good college.

Embarrassing friend 2125

(not a rant) So today in math i was sitting by my friend (girl) and everything was normal and happy when a guy walked in wearing a cut up jersey which was cut like a crop top basically. My friend freaked out about it (because the teacher did not acknowledge the boy) and started yelling about how if a girl wore that they would be dress coded and then she got to the point where the teacher sent her to the principals office to talk to her about the issue (he didn’t have to change in the end).

I …view more

Self harm 2425

I’ve been self harming for 7 years. I haven’t cut in a long time but i just broke that because I have so much self hatred. And I don’t want to stop. Just wanna keep going.

Just Lonely Part 2 1825

I don’t know… I do want to lose my “technical” virginity I guess to a relationship but at the same time I want to have a fun sexual experience. I currently have a fwb, but I have never experienced any sexual pleasure from that relationship. All forms of sexual contact are painful (even oral), penetration is not possible, and I’m clean for STDs.

There’s this hype that older men, I’m guessing 30-35+ older, are better sexually than their younger counterparts. I don’t know if that’s true or not, …view more

Unecessary Shit 2425

Okay, so there’s this girl that i thought was my best friend. Let’s call her ‘K’. About a month ago, our relationship was on the edge because of this other girl, i’m calling her ‘J’. I felt like K was replacing me with J as a bestfriend. Me being me, direct approach isnt my thing, so i kept it all to myself. i’m the type of person to stay home, watch anime, game, and all that stuff. K and J are the types of people who go out, party, get drunk, and yeah. I am not like that, and apparently, …view more

I don’t understand 2825

Why does God love me? I know He made me, but I’ve hated many of the things I’ve made, and I’m worse then them all. I procrastinate, I have no desire for anything beneficial: school, piano, Bible study, prayer, exercise, healthy food, reading, nothing! I week after week, year after year, submit myself to the same pain by committing the same sins. I understand why I am not given any real trials when I fail at what any child could succeed at. I don’t understand why I can’t change, I try to give …view more

Fuckin Ugly Life 3025

So the thing is that My goddam mom is always like telling me how successful my cousins are and how they are getting married and how she wants their youngest daughter to marry my brother because “she is the prettiest” and all this shit…she also tells me that I’m jealous coz I’m ugly and all that…she has blue eyes and my cousins have blue eyes and I swear she is so fuckin full of herself the first thing she judges in girls is weather they are blonde with blue eyes and all that fucking shit.if she …view more

Typical. 2125

I hate you.
What kind of person inhibits learning? More so a mother?
Anything any of us dares to tell you we’re interested in, you shoot down in an instant. How do you fucking expect us to grow up woth our own identities? Unless you really don’t want us to. In that case, you should never have had kids in the first place. I started school aiming for good grades to impress you. Now I just do it so I can leave as early as I can.

Seeing other families being happy just makes me jealous. I have a …view more

i’m positive theyre not a bot 1825

I’m currently in a long-distance relationship with a partner who lives in a different country. We’ve known each other for about a year now, and have had constant contact with each other and have seen each other’s faces, but we have never met in person and they refuse to engage in video conversation or anything of the sort. They have very large mood swings and some problems with depression, sometimes acting amourous and sometimes suicidal. When they get very depressed or if I haven’t been …view more

Religion 2125

I hate it when I have to lie about being Atheist. My boyfriend and I were discussing our views and I had to lie about what I believed in because he means everything to me and I don’t want to lose him over something like this.

Family 1925

Ok. First, family means so much to me. I mean, I’m only 16 and I’m already thinking about how I’ll be ten years down the road with a husband and kids. I don’t want kids right now, but I know I want them in the future.
I don’t exactly have a mother. Sure, some woman gave birth to me and attempted to take care of me until I was like 5, but that doesn’t make her my mother. She’s suicidal. She’s an alcoholic. She has an issue with prescription pain pills. She doesn’t give a damn about me. I lived …view more


Seriously, I just talked to you about how I needed my space and that we spend WAY too much time together but no, what the fuck do you do, you invite me - after I actually told you I was sick - to play a fucking board game with a couple that you told last week what a fucking shit I was for wanting my own space. This is after spending the last four fucking days together.

And not only did you invite me, oh no, you ask me in such a way that means if I say no you can shove it back in my face and …view more

Parenting at its best 1725

Made a comment while me and my mom were fighting about how maybe i should just go jump a bridge. stupid thing to say. her response “well that would be your decision and i wouldn’t be upset”

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