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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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AGH 1210

what the fuck. your my fucking dad. SHE IS NOT YOUR ONLY DAUGHTER. I FUCKING EXCIST TOO. IM SMARTER THAN HER MORE OUTGOING THAN HER AND DO BETTER IN LIFE THAN HER! ISNT THAT WHAT YOU WANT? I TRY SO HARD JUST TO GET YOU TO LOVE ME AS MUCH AS YOU LOVE HER BUT I FAIL EVERYTIME! IM SORRY IM NOT GOOD ENOUGH! EVERYTIME i tell myself just forget they may be parents but fuck it stop trying, i just cant. its kililng me the fact that all the POSITIVE things i do wont even make them the slightest bit …view more

Um…Yeah 2825

I was just watching Somebody to Love remix by Justin Bieber featuring Usher and I kinda just realized that Bieber is a little on the hot side. I’m a 14 year old girl who, for the past year and a half has been making fun of him. What has altered my brain waves? I have no idea.

no 99


You don’t believe in me 3225

You’re my father. You’re supposed to be the one who supports his child no matter what…you tell me time and time again how you’ve risked everything you had to make sure I had everything I needed. And for that I am truly grateful…I know how hard you struggled to make ends meet for our family. All throughout my childhood and high school years, I was more or less the perfect child…I never got into trouble, always got good grades, usually respectful. And aside from my first year of college, I’ve …view more

Wait Listed 129

I’m not afraid to say that I am a hard working student. I have had straight “A’s” for three years, been involved in tons on school activities and done loads of community service. I got a notification from the University of Connecticut that I’m not accepted, but if I email them they will be willing to put me on a wait list and I wont get their wait list decision until the end of May, but almost every athlete with mediocre grades and SAT scores got instantly accepted into UConn. Way to piss on …view more

Still can’t move on. 4041

The love of my life died in an accident a few years ago, 2 weeks after we got engaged. It’s five years later and I still can’t move on. Every woman I meet reminds me of her. All my friends, my family, even her family have all encouraged me to start dating again, and I’ve been on two or three dates, but it always feels like I’m cheating on her. I haven’t told anyone I feel this way, I just say I haven’t found the right one yet. I get the feeling that none of them believe me. I think they can all …view more

Too selfish of me? 107

It’s probably really selfish of me to think this, but for once I wish someone would notice me. I send out greeting cards to my friends when it’s their birthday, or when something good happened to them, so I send a congratulations cards, or even just a random ‘I’m thinking of you’ card. Recently I started getting a bit of pocket money and money from odd jobs here and there and I can safely say that 85% of my money goes to someone else, mostly in the form of gifts. The other 15% I keep for my …view more

Why me? 3330

So, why me? That’s the question I’ve been asking ‘God’ for quite some time. And it was his response that I never received that led me to be an Agnostic.

So, what’s the problem? Well, it’s simple and complicated but I will try not to take up too much text space.

First off, I’m a 20 year old male. I live in Orange County, California. My parents divorced when I was 6 years old. My Dad never really gave me any attention growing up because he was too busy with work and such, and when I got older, …view more

Why now???? 2528

10 years, 10 freaking years I was in love with you and you never reciprocated. You always said “We’re really good as friends”. And yes we were, you were/are the very best friend I’ve ever had. You’ve seen me through the darkest most horrible times in my life and you let me help you through yours. But we were still only friends. At any point I would have dropped everything to be with you. But no.

Now finally, FINALLY, I have this amazing, gorgeous, intelligent, loving girlfriend. Someone I can …view more

My roommate 1012

She’s driving me crazy. We’re Orthodox Jews…at least I am. She decided at the beginning of this year that she’s too lazy to keep up with it. Now she’s got a boyfriend that she sleeps with and is constantly talking about. Right now I’m trying to study and she’s Skyping with him and humming and laughing and I just want to smack her. Instead I’m writing this. I know, I’m a frigid passive-agressive virgin. Sue me.

Billboards vs. Texting 174167

I think that it is totally messed up that they don’t want us to look at our cell phones while driving, but apparently it’s ok for us to read billboards. They even have electric billboards that change the screeen every ten seconds. Isn’t that more distracting than a phone? It bothers me that they are illegalizing phones in cars but they aren’t illegalizing giant computers on the side of the highway. I really don’t see a difference between the two, except that one of them is twenty feet in the …view more

A rant… idk what else to call it. 2843

I was just telling someone they looked good but you decided I was flirting and stopped talking to me. You answered only because I wouldn’t stop calling, and am now giving me the silent treatment over the phone. We’ve been together for almost 3 years and you’re still like this???? What the hell?!?!?!? It’s not like I’m going to cheat on you. I never have. Just because she lives closer to me doesn’t mean that we’re going to meet up and fuck every weekend. Why the fuck does this happen to me?? Why …view more

Dear Arrogant Idiotic Guys of the World 3731

Ok.. First of all I don’t see why you have to make things so incredibly difficult for yourselves and the people you contaminate with your dumbassery. If you like a girl, then like her, hang out with her, engage her in conversation…etc. DO NOT play this pathetic “hard to get” push-me-pull-you crap. You’re a MAN for goodness sakes, not some air-headed damsel. If you like a girl, act like it. If you don’t just tell her you aren’t that interested. Oh and do not assume that just because a girl shows …view more

truth be told 311

To the old bag: You are disgusting. If someone doesn’t call you, it’s probably because you are faqing annoying and they resent having to talk to you. You annoy the heck out of me every faqing day. And the irony of ironies is that I get impatient with your faqing impatience. Faq!

Hate my fucking life. 3944

My fucking mom moved me away from my life in my home country when i was young only giving me 2 weeks notice, so in 2 weeks I had to say good bye to all my friends, family and my dad.

They divorced because he was physically abusive and would hit and threaten her with weapons as well. I am honestly glad she is out of this situation but I have so much anger towards her and everyone in my life. I don’t feel anger towards my friends, but to my family I just feel so much HATE towards them.

We moved …view more

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