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RAGING Bile Duct is a place for you to anonymously post about anything that’s on your mind.
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A month ago I posted about a “best” friend who I am deeply in live with. Over this month I tried so hard to tell myself that I don’t like him. Right now I don’t even know if I really like him. Is it because he’s always with me and I feel like I don’t have any other guy friends that can replace him? Well…. A few weeks ago I planned on to give up and accept the fact that I like him. I tried to play hard to get… Which was a fail. Tonight is prom but we planned to attend next years prom. I asked
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Dear Bill*,
Yea, remember your GIRLFRIEND who you supposidly are in love with, who is supposidly perfect at everything? Yea, I’m not her. I’m not your girlfriend Bill. I’m your friend. Why do I have the urge to kiss you everytime I get in your car? I don’t know. I really don’t know.
The first time we kissed, way back when on our very first date when we were both single, that was special. It really was. I’m sorry I just used you to get over my break up with George*. I’m sorry I under
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I’m really tired of seeing you tag one another in posts or tweet at one another about your undying love. You want him because you are desperate to have someone love you. He wants you because you’re attractive. We get it you’re “boyfriends.” I apologize now, that I care for you too much. I’m a pathetic loser who’s killed himself working out and lost 80 lbs to make myself look like someone you could love. I’m still not you ideal, so I will continue to do this so maybe, just maybe, when he breaks
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OMG! i’m SOOO freaking pissed off riGht now, and i’ve just got no one to tell because part of the reason i’m pissed is at one of my closest friend. i don’t want to say anything to anyone i know that i might regret later. soo, i’m just going to rant it out here. there’s a couple of things that pissed me off. 1st: i know it’s my job and all but i just ruined a perfectly good dress ironing, stupid piece of crap. and i was suppose to wear that for an event tomorrow, and it’s too late to buy a new
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Oh gosh. just found out that my celebrity crush has a girlfriend. This is probably the first time I’ve had my heart broken. I’ve never had a boyfriend (and I don’t really plan to at the moment), and I just developed a celebrity crush because it was just mostly for objectifying. But instead I legitimately fell in love with him. He’s handsome, talented, and totally awesome. I’m still looking for the right person, but looking at celebrities has ruined my life from any real life relationship. I’ve
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i am SOOO effin sick of logging on to facebook every morning and see you post something about how you’re a friggin alcoholic loser. and it’s funny how you say everyone else in this town is trashy cuz of this and that, uhm okay you sleep with a new guy every friggin week. so before you go and call someone else a whore, take a look in the mirror hun, or better yet your fukin STD test results :D
Have fun destroying your liver ;)
Everday I wake up and put on a nice outift and a smile but on the inside i’m all torn up. I just live this purposeless life. I don’t live for me. I don’t even want to live. I just want to die most days. I don;t trust my friends. My family doesn’t love me and barely acknowledges my existence. My mom wishes i was never born and my dad doesn’t even talk to me. My last two birthdays i cried from lonliness. My dad forgot to call me both times. My mom left me alone all dya on my 16th birthday. My mom
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I am a disgusting person. I rarely shower. I constantly pick at myself (skin, dandruff from my head, pulling out my hair to see if I get a big root, pulling out my eyebrows when I’m stressed. Constantly picking at my… I can’t even type it. That’s how gross that is. My sheets have not been changed or washed in weeks even though there is a big period stain on my sheets from two periods ago. I just can’t seem to find the energy or effort to change it. My room is an absolute disaster, and I share
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It’s been a week. 2 days ago you said, “Soon things will be back to normal.” Yesterday you told me today we’d finally be able to have some time together. You got off work early and tell me you’ll be here soon. Almost 3 hours later and it’s not “soon” yet. I ask where are you and you say again you’ll be here soon. It’s been 5 hours now. Is it “soon” yet?????? Soon it’s going to be too late. Soon it’s going to be tomorrow.
ME 3340
I’m sick of people, seriously… to an extent that I don’t know if I’m surrounded by assholes or I’m actually one myself. I pretend that I don’t need them and I show the independent and confident side, but to tell you the truth, I’m extremely insecure.. I got my own group of friends, but that’s just so far! I go to college and when I’m there, I’m not really myself. People think I’m unsocial. But to hell with them!
I don’t know if I should do something about my silence or just go on like
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Seriously this is something I sooo have to get off my chest. I can’t stand my mother, i swear I fucking hate her. She’s never supportive and always trys to control my god damn life, and when she can’t she gets mad at me and tells me how i’m wrong. I’ve been the 2nd person in our family to graduate from college, finally going to walk the stage at my ceremony in 2 weeks, and she’s known for 3-5 months and decides to not come after she told me i have to go. I know she’s had a lot of difficult
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I’m tired of your whiney little problems. I am tired of you being gross and sharing way too much about your fucking incest fantasies. I think you all suck. You’re never happy and none of you actually have real fucking problems. I hate you a lot and i want to punch you. Shut up about your stupid little tiny shits and realize how good you have it. And for the love of all that is whatever… STOP SHOWING US YOUR DISGUSTING TITS.
Last year I had a roommate who seriously HATED me. We got along okay when all of a sudden she started treating me horribly. It was because I took some food that I didn’t know was for her only (we agreed to share some food but turns out there was a dispute over that). She also accused me of interrupting her for everything (ok I admit I may have been quite annoying but I have Asperger’s and don’t socialize or pick up social cues very well…I merely wanted to be more outgoing because normally I am
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At least you’re alive, you little bitch. And why the fuck are you laughing about pain? Are you a masochist?
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