Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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I’m a Senior in high school, so this is very sad. About a majority of the kids in my class are all rude, annoying, condescending, idiotic, lazy, pieces of trash. There’s only about seven people in there who I don’t want to stab in the eye.
There’s one girl who never shuts the fuck up. She has such a goddamn attitude and always talks to this boy next to her, and they boy is the dumbest fucker I’ve ever met. They’ll talk all class long, and eventually the teacher will come over and tell her to
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My father, 61 years of age is also my apartment roommate for the last 10 months. He told me Friday that I’m gonna need to cover the rent for both of us for next 2 months because he’s not employed and is running out of money.
He has only worked about 8 months in the last 3 years. Mostly living off welfare checks and the kindness of others. I would not have moved in with him if I had known this info.
Now, I come home from a full day of work (and will be going in on my day off tomorrow to work
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Yeah, I get that I’m not “supposed” to hate my father, but guess the fuck what? I do!
He has verbally abused me and my mother ever since I can fucking remember. He’s overly-religious, homophobic, and racist.
My parents got divorced last year, and it was the best thing that has ever fucking happened to me. But it was also the worst. Now my father wants to “restore our relationship.” But he doesn’t realize that we never fucking had one to begin with. Sometimes I just want to tell him that I’m
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I’ve learned a lot lately that adults really are no different than high schoolers, it’s fucking rediculous.
Some smoke pot, some drink. Most don’t know how to communicate effectively. Many don’t know how to manage their fucking money.
They have social groups, their less defined but they still have them.
Adults get drunk do dumber things than drunk teens do.
My dad’s an alcoholic, my step mom is an alcoholic, she
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Ok.. First of all I don’t see why you have to make things so incredibly difficult for yourselves and the people you contaminate with your dumbassery. If you like a girl, then like her, hang out with her, engage her in conversation…etc. DO NOT play this pathetic “hard to get” push-me-pull-you crap. You’re a MAN for goodness sakes, not some air-headed damsel. If you like a girl, act like it. If you don’t just tell her you aren’t that interested. Oh and do not assume that just because a girl shows
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Holy J.C.! Don’t get all argumentative when I ask you to wash your goddamn dishes. Don’t ask me to provide reasons as to why you should wash your dishes, how about they have been sitting there for 5 freaking days and they don’t even fit in the sink anymore?
And dude no more passive aggressive notes about moving your magnets, I’m sorry I don’t like the fridge looking like it broke out in a rash of Disney characters. You are fucking 26 years old! Grow the fuck up! If you don’t mend your ways
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I?m just sick of not doing what I am called to do in life. Im not married, I have been single for a good 6 years now? and nothing! I am serving God and I dont regret that a bit.. but is there something I am doing wrong!?!?!?!Im not the single kind and I have been patient enough I think. Not going with just anybody but truly waiting??? AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! And I feel stuck. Not happy. just living for others. I give so much of myself and not that I expect a pat on the back but there is no
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I’m so fucking angry at the moment. My best friend is having a long grieving process about getting over her ex fiance that up and left her for no reason. He was a huge scum bag that hurt her terribly for the past 2 years. I understand you know you love the guy and its only natural to cry. There is nothing wrong with that. But how can you not be angry so quickly. She poured her heart out to him changing everything about herself, stopped hanging with her friends, especially if he wasn’t around.
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I hate how my parents well mostly my mother is so overprotected of me and my younger sister gets treated like fucking royalty. Half the crap that my mom did for me growing up she doesn’t even do with my sister. She has all the “trust” in her according to my mother. She doesn’t do anything wrong…BULLSHIT. I slipped up maybe once or twice growing up but I never did anything to not have my mother not trust me. I never got a cellphone till I was 14 and ONLY because of the fact my bus ran late and I
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Ok I’ve got a bf who is really into me. He tells me he is in love with me already and we have only been going out for a couple months. I am not as into him as he is into me, I like him and I think he is a very sweet guy, but he is just not the guy for me. I’m really thinking about breaking it off with him. But I don’t want to hurt him, also he told me that he got me a Christmas presant already from Belden Jewelers. Now idk if I should stay with him untill after the Holidays or if it would be
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Few things in this life annoy and anger me more than cheap stickers. You know, the ones on DVDs and books that never come off in one piece. The stickers that are so damn determined to leave a part of themselves behind, which you have to scrape, scrape, scrape off with your fingernails. It wouldn’t kill you vile, cheap-ass fiends to spend an extra few cents so your stickers don’t leave that crap behind. You stickers have pissed off more OCD people than fluorescent lights that constantly flicker
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I am done with you. We were friends, at one stage we both wanted to be more. Time passed and you moved on, understandable for our situation, but to completely CUT me off? It’s not fair and you know it. Then when you and HER… broke up you came crawling back to me looking for advice and you know what I said to you? I told you that even though she doesn’t want to be with you, that you should try and make it work and prove yourself to her. I talked to you about my problems and you helped, a lot.
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You know it’s hard enough dealing with an abusive mother. It’s even harder when she puts on a charade and everyone thinks that I’M the bad kid, even going as far as sympathizing for her having to put up with me. All I want is the satisfaction of the truth emerging for all to see, an end to the senseless denial, and a fucking nap. And I was getting close to that - well, at least the first part…
Then she ends up with cancer. Metastasizing to the brain. Two to three months to live. I’m fine with
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I am the most USELESS person ever; I cannot fulfill my parents’ expectations about being the best clarinet player, or being the best computer programmer, hell, I don’t even WANT to be a computer programmer or a clarinet player! I wanted to write and sing and run! Their insane expectations just stress me out and GUESS WHAT, I’m taking a 5th year of school and it has NOTHING to do with them suddenly pressing me to finish half a year early! I’m being sarcastic. I don’t do well with assholes
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so long my hubby and i have been trying for a baby!
Seems everyone around me is pregnant and having babies every time someone else announces they are having a baby I die a little inside, it hurts so bad… I have to pretend to be okay with it all the time but it hurts, a lot!
when can it be our turn when can we have our own baby I dont want to lose another baby :(
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