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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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I hate stupid people. 4438

I’m sure that almost everybody feels this way at some point, if not at all times. Why must the world be bubbling over with idiots? Why am I asked an innumerable amount of stupid questions each day? Why does it seem that I am the only person on the fucking planet that has any common sense?

Bad me 4491

I’ve cheated on my girlfriend 4 times in the past 3 months, I just cant seem to stop.

Thing is, shes just told me shes pregnant, do I try to do right by her? Or run fast as possible in the other direction? I dont know, I dont think I’m the right kind of person for monogamy :( I’d feel bad abandoning her though, probably.

Odd? 4438

Not a day goes by when I dont imagine my death or the death of someone close to me. I just like to plan out all the various ways and peoples reactions to them. Maybe it has something to do with my need to plan years into the future.

Addicted to gambling! 4455

I’m addicted to gambling online, I lost $400 this week!

Can’t tell the wife.

i want surgery 44152

if i decide not to go to college after i finish high school, i’m going to use all the money my family has been saving up & use it on plastic surgery instead, if I can do that.

Got friend fired 43100

Ok, so i got my best friend of 15 years fired from our mutual job. Heres how.
A few weeks ago, me and my friend go to a bar. We see our boss’s wife at the bar (I’ve always wanted to bang her), so I buy her a drink (cran vodka) and spike it. My friend, feeling entitled, snatches the drink I had just bought and downed it in one sip. I buy her another and repeat the process.
Fast forward 30 minutes and she’s back at my place (my friend too, who passed out on the couch early) Halfway thru the …view more

I’m tired!! 4232

Ok so I’ve had on hell of a year and a half and I’m just ready for it to be over! Over with the drama over with the new shit just over with everything! I have enough on my plate and I don’t want any more! One of the major things right now is why are guys soo stupid, I mean really, do you just not think or something!? To all the guys out there that keep calling me and I am not responding, there is a reason for it!! Think back to why we stopped talking in the first place….Really I’m not stupid …view more

Foods 4242

OMG why do servers in restaurants always come and ask if everything’s ok…just when you’ve taken a giant mouthful. Do they lie in wait for you to put the fork in your mouth then run on over? Every. Single. Time.

Twisted Pron 4139

I change music video titles to twisted porn ones then upload them to limewire. I think it’s hilarious, today, so far, 310 people have tried to download ‘man sex dog’ and gotten Eminem’s We Made You instead.

It makes me feel accomplished.

Stupid Boy! 4144

So there’s this boy that I used to kinda like. In August, I sent him a message saying I kinda liked him, but wanted to know if it was worth my time, and he said no, so I was fine. Then he started kinda being an ass, and I forgot why I liked him.
Then today, we had to go to something for chorus, so I got a ride with him, and we were the only ones in the car. It was SO fun! I remembered why I had kinda had a crush on him: he’s fun, goofy, quirky, and nice.
And then we were around the handful of …view more

Fecking facebook! 4158

GRRR I’ve been meaning to upload pics from traveling abroad, but since there are so many I have procrastinated quite a bit. today I finally started working on it, and Facebook has decided it just doesn’t want to upload my pictures! just says “upload failed, please try again,” over and OVER… I have restarted IE and my computer as well and it still won’t work.

I’m about ready to throw this goddamn laptop out the window!

Trying to be sneaky really? You aint that good 4150

You think people would get that you know them pretty damn well, especially when they try to hide shit behind your back. I mean I have this friend, I know her very well, been friends for a long time. And she’s had a very rock life with guys, its just not her thing, but how can she think I’m stupid? She’s trying to get back with her ex, cuz she claims she loves him, and well I’m actually all fine with it ya know? I mean sometimes you can’t help it who you like, and well if the guy grew up let it …view more

A silly little crush or more? 4153

Well…I like this guy, I met him about a month ago and well we’ve become very good friends I think. I mean I love being with him and talking to him, even if its just sitting around his apt watching movies or outside talking. I had just gotten out of to me my longest relationship which was a little over a year, and its been 3-4 months since its ended. I’m pretty picky sometimes when it comes to guys I like, but this one particular guy he just takes my breath away and leaves me speechless half the …view more

Life sucks. 4034

I have a disease that is getting progressively worse. Its a “hidden diease”, something people wont see when they look at me. all the doctors that i’ve seen say I will never be able to run or do anything I used to love doing ever again. Eventually I wont even be able to walk….. (That makes more than half the stuff on my bucketlist impossible.) Ive been trying soo hard to pretend like i am fine and nothing is wrong with me, but its so hard when people envite me to play active games that I …view more

Gold-digging is not for everyone 4039

I went on a three day long “date” with a completely unattractive wealthy man, prompted by my extremely shallow mother’s demands. I slept in a separate bedroom. He was a complete catastrophe of utter social awkwardness and patronizing comments. I was so irritated, I actually faked an email to myself saying that if I didn’t fly home immediately, I was in trouble with work. It was complete with Cc’s and FWD’s. I’m thanking heaven above that it actually worked. I have never felt so damn trapped in …view more

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