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RAGING Bile Duct is a place for you to anonymously post about anything that’s on your mind.
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Jackass father 2328

Where to start you bitch at me over my sister getting pregnant and not telling you till you hear she’s in labor. WTF AM I SUPPOSE TO DO ABOUT IT SHE DIDN’T WANT ME TO TELL YOU A GODDAMN THING THAT’S HER BUSINESS NOT MINE SO DON’T FUCKING BITCH AT ME CUZ UR DAUGHTER DOESN’T TELL YOU SHIT!!!! Further more dont tell me not to say something that I feel if I say ur not making fucking sense guess what it means cut the fucking shit and tell me what the fuck ur talking about! Who the hell are you to …view more

Lonely Bitch 49

Sooo right.
There’s this girl… in our class… shes realllyyy lonely and she tries to find a friend in me and my group of friends. We tried being nice but this girl is a psychotic lunatic freak!!! She stalks us and tries to get in on random private jokes and she’s really loud and obnoxious. She’s so fucking ratchet and stupid like ugh!

She’s FAT as hell, smells bad, her lip all tun up, also wearing clothes 10 sizes to small and doesnt know when ta shut the FUCCKKKK up. She acts like she knows …view more

thanks for pretending 38

You’ve been really flirty with me since we met last year. I felt like you cared about me, which made me develop mutual feelings for you. But then i found out you liked someone else. It was fine, it didn’t bother me that much, nothing happened between you two and you were still always flirting with me. Then I heard you stopped liking her. Soon you told my best friend you liked me and the flirting escalated to the point where you were almost using me, and i thought it was ok since you liked me. A …view more

I’m being unreasonable, yes, but I can’t help being annoyed at you, roomie 1919

So, for most of this year, my roommate never stayed at our room. Seriously, he slept here maybe twice a week, and even then, he’d come home when I was asleep at like 4 am, after having spent a total of maybe two waking hours in the room. Needless to say, I kinda don’t expect him to be home ever. I also just kinda started to feel like the room was mine alone, just with a bunch of things that a friend was storing their. This was terrible thinking on my part, and I’m suffering because of it.

It’s …view more

Fuck you 1413

You want space? Fuck you. After making me feel like complete shit for asking you for space to recover from you dumping me, now you’re the one asking me for space? I was going to put my feelings aside and ask you to be friends, just like you asked for a week ago when you broke my heart. I wanted to be there for you because I know you’re going through quite a lot right now. But, no. You wouldn’t let me get that far. Same old moody fucking you. Making it seem like a chore to talk to me. I did fuck …view more

You’re a dick. 1722

If you’re in such a great relationship, and we were just getting over eachother then why the fuck would you talk to me in the way that we used to? Are you trying to lead me on? I’m completely confused and i can tell you are trying to flaunt your relationship just to get revenge. I told you i was sorry, we made a promise, you agreed. And broke it once again. You’re a jerk. But.. I love you.. It’s been a year or so and i still love you? Why?!? Better yet why do i keep going back to you after i …view more

What are friends for? 213

I seem to live in a hostile and vicious cycle. I can’t seem to find any meaning of having friends besides them using you or backstabbing you constantly. Subtly writing about you in a status indirectly talking about you. I can’t seem whether to consider self-pity or misanthropic thoughts. I don’t even know what genuine friendship feels like anymore, probably because it simply doesn’t exist. With my maladroitness I don’t comprehend why i even bother keeping up with colleagues. I always feel empty …view more

Mooching Roommate 2237

Oh my fucking god. I swear the next time you say the word ‘flea’ I’m gonna roundhouse your nose into your brain. I’m obviously doing all that I can to get rid of my dogs fleas and they’re almost gone. One thing that always confuses me is how you say you have all these “flea bites” all over you and you’re tired of finding fleas on you. How is it that you have flea bites and you find fleas but my dog sleeps with me, lives in my rooms, rolls around in my laundry, and I haven’t found a flea or flea …view more


ok so first off let me start by saying i work 3rd shift in a gas station i could fill a book with rants about working with the public but this rant will cover 2 things my lazy co workers and old people

on tuesday the 6th of november it started off a normal night i did everything i usually do but just like every other mother fucking tuesday my co/worker lets call him greg who let me tell you people reading lives like 100 fucking yards from the store if this niggas could kool-aid man crash his …view more


You have no right to hit on me, force yourself on me (while I’m still in a relationship, btw) then blame me for not wanting you!! You’re a fucking horny asshole who can’t control himself. You forced yourself on me then spread rumors that I didn’t like you and ruined your night? Wow, fuck you. BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE. Just weeks after that, you force yourself on my best friend and BASICALLY FACE RAPE HER WHEN SHE POLITELY GIVES YOU A RIDE HOME?!?! UGH! YOU PIG!!! You CANNOT force your lips and …view more

I wish he didn’t like her 2636

So I am friends with two people I volunteer with. One is a guy and one is a girl. I have been volunteering with the guy for longer than the girl, in fact, I was the one who invited her to come volunteer with me. Later on she starts disscussing how attractive the guy is and such, and I told her that he was like a brother to me and couldnt think of him that way. Which is obviuosly not true, hence my rant. I like him, a lot in fact. She of course gets all crazy about him saying how much she likes …view more


You are sooo rude, ignore me all the time, extremley stubborn, think you know everything, think you are better than me, chat SHIT all the time and you aren’t that attractive.. SO WHYYY can i not stop thinking about you!! I get soooo excited when you text me just to be let down when we actually speak!!

Decided i need you out of my life.. GO FIND ANOTHER GIRLS HEAD TO MESS WITH!

a dead end at every fucking turn… 2238

ok so go back to august with me my gf and i both work at a gas station ive been here for 8 yrs shes been here for 2 and we’ve been together for 4 yrs this coming august we live together in 2 br apartment with a room-mate and split bills and whatnot i wont get into too many details here but the landlords a fucking scumbag from hell we took in my girls cousin and she just had a baby shes 17 whos gonna put a 17 yr old and 1 month old baby on the street and just look the other way even tho i …view more

Fuck you management 47

Oh. I’m sorry. Did I ruin your Thanksgiving with a phone call that my kitchen was flooding? Was your family really pissed off that you had to handle my call about MY MOTHERFUCKING KITCHEN FLOODING? My apologies, I didn’t mean to interrupt your TURKEY DAY by having my KITCHEN FLOODING. Because here’s the thing, I actually didn’t get to MY Thanksgiving until about 8 p.m. and it started in the early afternoon. But don’t you worry. I’m sure your mildly annoyed family had good reason to be pissed at …view more

You were my best friend. 2224

You hurt people, especially the ones who are close to you.
Why must you have an opinion on everything and everyone? Why must you find the flaws in everyone so decide that you hate them without even acknowledging the fact that they are actually good people?
You treat everyone like shit.
You pretend to care.
You are an attention seeking bitch.
You actually are a slut, so stop paying out everyone else if they are too.
You are mean.
You make me so mad and make me cry.
Whenever I went to you for …view more

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